
Accounting and Administration

Epta-Key provides the following administrative compliance services:

    • accounting and tax record keeping services (inventories, general ledger and depreciable assets, VAT registers) also on the client’s accounting systems via remote connection;
    • administrative support services, such as managing electronic active invoicing, supplier payments, and client and/or supplier schedules;
    • analytical accounting management by cost centers;
    • drafting of financial statements to draw up the statutory financial statements for the year;
    • reporting services, including on specific client models;
    • assistance in audit activities by the statutory auditors in office;
    • accounting support in secondment (at the client’s premises) or remotely, for specific client’s needs, even temporary;
    • improvement of administrative and accounting processes, as an ancillary activity but with significant added value resulting from a secondment period;
    • electronic substitute storage services for invoices and/or relevant accounting records.

Epta-key is also specialized in managing accounting for asset and financial investment management, and fulfilling family holding and club deal obligations (tax registry and CRS).